Well, is she?

In checking my website’s keyword listings, I came across this query:

queen isabella is she a molly

I am almost certain that she is not. But input from blog readers will be gladly welcomed.

On an entirely unrelated note, my hands are no longer shaking and trembling, because after a lengthy withdrawal, I have access to the online Oxford Dictionary of National Biography once more! Having logged on Friday, I made up for lost time by printing out as many biographies as possible. I feel much better now, thank you. (Even if you’re not a subscriber, you can still visit the site to see the biography of the day.)

8 thoughts on “Well, is she?”

  1. I have no idea what a ‘molly’ is either, but it sounds funny. 😉 I got ‘queen isabella tear’ today – wonder if that means crying, or ripping?

    Yay, ODNB!!

  2. Susan Higginbotham

    I thought it might be a Britishism, but evidently not! But I’m quite certain that Queen Isabella is not a fish, which was the only definition I found.

  3. Hmm. The definition of ‘molly’ that I’m familiar with is the one Jen describes above. In which case, the answer is that Isabella, being definitely female, was not a molly.

  4. Question: Does it make any more sense if the Queen Isabella meant by the query was Isabella of Spain?
    I still don’t understand the connection
    Susan A

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