
With apologies for not being here much lately, I do have some pleasing news: my seventh novel, The First Lady and the Rebel, about Mary Lincoln and her younger sister Emily Todd Helm, will be out in the fall of 2019! Stay tuned for ordering information. In the meantime, here’s the cover, which I hope you’ll like as much as I do:


I have been trying to think of ways of keeping this blog active, which has been difficult since working on my book has had to take priority, and will in the case of my upcoming books as well. So I’ve decided at least once a week, I will get on the blog to share a nineteenth-century photograph from my collection.  I will also try to share more tidbits from my research, which now that The First Lady and the Rebel is in the hands of my publisher has been centering on  the  American abolitionist John Brown and his family (not to be confused with Queen Victoria’s attendant by the same name). So here’s to seeing more of you in the future!

2 thoughts on “Update!”

  1. Love that new cover! I idon’t know if you knew or not, but my cancer came back with a vengeance in March and It’s now in my liver and lungs. I’m not writing at all. But I’m sure glad you are….this sounds like a good one!

    1. Thanks! I did hear about your cancer on Facebook and was so sorry to hear it. I’m impressed at your courage in dealing with all this.

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