Sunday Search Terms

Terms people used to reach my website:

novel written by Edward II

And you thought all he did was dig ditches and thatch roofs.

susan higginbotham duchess of northumberland

It’s so nice being called “your grace”  when I pick up my take-out pizza.

higginbotham mean

Well, I’ve tried not to let my new title turn my head too much, but you can’t please all of the common folk, now can you?

higginbotham royalty

Getting fitted for the crown today!

susan higginbotham obituary

Not before I get to wear my new crown!

was elizabeth woodville

Don’t leave us in suspense!

henry vi margaret of anjou sex life

Probably not the most promising subject for an erotic novel.

poor henry vi

Well, at least he had  a sex life.

the tolen crown

Not to mention the purloined “S.”

how was prince edward killed at boswell castle?

I don’t know, but that just might explain why my dog looked so guilty the other day.

8 thoughts on “Sunday Search Terms”

  1. LOL! Yes, the sex life of Henry VI and Margaret wouldn’t make for a steamy bestseller! Very funny, your Grace!

  2. Susan Higginbotham Duchess of Northumberland? I wonder what Jane Percy would have to say about that.

    She’s the one who came up with the Poison Garden in Alnwick.

    You have been warned!!!

  3. Thank for all you do to keep your readers entertained (much appreciated by this loyal fan unexpectedly shut-in with age-related disability)!

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