Squidoo Lens and Some Nonfiction Reading

For a long time now, I’ve maintained a Squidoo Lens on Reading Historical Fiction, where I list sites and blogs devoted to historical fiction (reading it, not writing it). I updated it tonight, but I suspect I’ve left some deserving blogs and sites out, so if you know of any that should be listed, please let me know! Do note that I haven’t included individual author websites on it, because that would make it unwieldy (and would be a lot more work than I need at present), and I haven’t included author blogs (including my own) except when the author primarily reviews other people’s books on it or interviews other authors.

Thanks to Margaret of Anjou, I haven’t had much time for reading lately, but I did want to mention that Dear Hubby bought me The Last Knight Errant: Sir Edward Woodville and the Age of Chivalry by Christopher Wilkins for my birthday last month. I’ve been dipping into it whenever I can and have enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s especially interesting with regard to Edward’s post-1485 career, which Wilkins appears to have been thoroughly researched.

Also sitting in my pile of nonfiction to thumb through at leisure is John Sadler’s The Red Rose and the White: The Wars of the Roses 1453-1487. Sadler, a battlefield tour guide, seems to know his subject very well, and his narrative is a lively one. Ricardians probably won’t care for some of Sadler’s conclusions, but Sadler is fair-minded and acknowledges that there is room for doubt as to whether Richard murdered his nephews.

Finally, I’m looking forward to David Santiuste’s Edward IV and the Wars of the Roses, coming out early next year. Between that and the new Edward II biography, it should be an expensive new year.

2 thoughts on “Squidoo Lens and Some Nonfiction Reading”

  1. Thanks, Susan, for mentioning Sadler and Santiuste's books- I'm always on the lookout for books about the Wars of the Roses and 15th century England in general. The biography of Edward Woodville looks interesting, too.

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