Odds and Ends; and Edward II’s Reign in a Nutshell

SonjaMarie over at the Historical Fiction Board linked to this site of historical figures by George S. Stuart. I liked his English figures–pity he hasn’t done the Plantagenets.

Saw a link to Book-A-Minute Classics over at the Smart Bitches blog. Check out the classics–I particularly liked their take on Virginia Woolf and David Copperfield.

Naturally, that got me thinking I should do a fast version of the story of Edward II’s reign (you can find another version here by Neadods):

Barons: We don’t like your favorite, Piers Gaveston.

Edward II: Oh? Well, that’s too bad. Do something about it.

(Barons execute Gaveston.)

Barons: We don’t like your favorites, the Despensers.

Edward II: Oh? Well, that’s too bad. Do something about it.

(Barons execute Despensers.)

Barons: We don’t like you.

Edward II: Oh? Well, that’s too bad. Do some– OUCH!

Edward III: Mother, I don’t like your lover, Roger Mortimer.

Isabella: Oh? Well, that’s too bad. Do something about it.

(Edward III executes Mortimer.)

Isabella: Son? You do like me, don’t you?

Edward III: Sure, Mom.

Isabella (sighing): Good. Had me worried there for a moment.

2 thoughts on “Odds and Ends; and Edward II’s Reign in a Nutshell”

  1. Arminius is going to be in the group of Really Awful People? Now I’m seriously pissed. 🙂

    Though it’s the Roman POV, I admit.

    Short version:
    Augustus 9 AD: Three legions annihilated? Varus, give me back my legions. *sighs* That Arminius guy sucks. I’ll need to send Germanicus to deal with him.
    Tiberius 16 AD: The Germans are still not conquered? Get the legions out there, it’s not worth the hassle. That Arminius guy sucks. And Germanicus, too, since we’re at it. But you didn’t hear that.

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