I’m in a quandary, because Alianore and Tanzanite have kindly nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award (which started here), and I’m having a very difficult time narrowing my own awards to five choices.
I’ll first have to return the favor and nominate Alianore all over again, because I love reading about all things related to Edward II. It was an utter delight to me when I first discovered her blog, and it’s still the first I check every morning. (By the way, most of the conversations I have about Edward II run thusly: Me: “It’s about Edward II.” Them: “Isn’t he the one who married Wallis Simpson?”)
Reading the Past, Sarah Johnson’s blog is a treasure trove of information for readers of historical fiction, with industry news, reviews, and posts that are just plain fun.
Tea at Trianon by Elena Maria Vidal is full of fascinating posts, especially those about Marie Antoinette and her contemporaries, and I’ve learned a great deal from reading it. Truly a thinking woman’s blog.
Nan Hawthorne’s The Blue Lady Tavern is one of the more clever writer’s blogs I’ve come across. I always enjoy stopping by for a mug.
The fifth? It’s too hard to pick just one, but I’m going to go for Carla‘s, because I first ran across it on a day I was feeling really lousy in a number of ways, and it cheered me up immensely.
There’s many other worthy blogs on the sidebar here. Don’t know what I did without them all, really!
Thanks! It’s really difficult to pick only five, isn’t it?
Haha, I’ve never had the Wallis Simpson response. I usually get ‘you mean the red-hot poker guy??’ with occasional references to Bannockburn and the Hundred Years War.
I am pleased and proud to pass along Leofwen’s thanks and promise of drinks all around for this wonderful honor!
Nan Hawthorne
The Blue Lady Tavern
Thank you! I’ll put my list together just as soon as I can. I’m very pleased to hear my blog cheered you up on a bad day – that makes it all worthwhile 🙂
Susan, that is so kind of you to mention me. I am genuinely honored and touched. Thank you!
Susan – it seems like all emails between your account and mine are getting lost in cyberspace somewhere. 🙁 Hope they’re having fun, wherever they are. And that the weather’s good.
Thanks for nominating me! I’ll try to come up with my own list real soon, too.