Monday Night Odds and Ends, and Books for Compliments

Tabitha over at iUniverse Book Reviews has posted a review with yours truly, complete with photograph. (Tabitha is having sort of a Edward II theme these days; Brandy Purdy’s The Confession of Piers Gaveston is also reviewed on the blog.) If you’re not one of the lucky denizens of Apex, North Carolina, this will be one of your few opportunities to see me in my spectacles, so stop on by! First two people who stop by my own blog and say, “Susan, you look adorable in your spectacles,” will win a copy of The Traitor’s Wife or Hugh and Bess–your choice–with a big red bow tied around it and a chicken scratch otherwise known as my autograph. Perfect for the holidays!

Speaking of which, a couple of people have wondered when Hugh and Bess will be live on Amazon. So have I! It may be a few more weeks, but I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, it can be ordered from Lulu (they deliver quickly) or from Amazon in a Kindle version if you’ve bought one of those newfangled devices. By the way, has anyone ordered one?

10 thoughts on “Monday Night Odds and Ends, and Books for Compliments”

  1. I think you look great – spectacles and all!

    Do I really have a chance to win your book THE TRAITOR’S WIFE? I’d love to have it!

  2. Susan – you look marvelous in your spectacles!! I’m probably too late, but you still look great!

  3. You look adorable in your spectacles 🙂

    Ordered a Kindle? No way! Never buy Version 0 of anything electronic, and anyway I’m not really into shiny gadgets. I read e-books via PDF and that suits me very well.

  4. Susan Higginbotham

    Daphne, you’re in time! Send me your snail mail and I’ll shoot a copy of Hugh and Bess (I assume that’s the one you want) over to you.

    Carla, I haven’t sprung for a Kindle either. I may be getting a scanner sometime soon–this shows how hopelessly behind electronically I am.

    Nan, maybe there will be another time!

    Nan, there’s an electronic version on Lulu! 4 bucks.

  5. Harry Potter looks dashing in his specs, and so do you ;]

    Looking forward to when Hugh and Bess makes its Amazon debut!

  6. Harry Potter looks dashing in his specs, and so do you ;]

    I’m looking forward to when Hugh and Bess makes its debut on Amazon!

  7. Damn, the one night I go to bed earlier, I miss to post within the US timeframe to get an early worm. 😉

    But you do look great in your spectacles. 🙂

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