I have a mess o’ deadlines to meet this week, none of which are of the least bit interest to anyone who visits this blog. So I may not come back up for air until next week, but in the meantime here’s some search terms for you:
hugh despenser susan higginbotham
I don’t think Eleanor would like that at all. Or Edward II.
duke of clarence orgy
What type of website do you think I run? Really.
susan higginbotham dietitian
Krispy Kreme doughnuts, sausage pizza, Coca-Cola, sausage biscuits, bagels, spaghetti, GummiSavers, McDonald’s fish sandwiches. Have I got all of the major food groups in there?
beauchamp pageant book – why
Everyone needs a hobby.
hugh defoot became king after foot cut off
After which, of course, he became known as hugh deking. Life offers some compensations.
was richard neville warwick the kingmaker a wife beater
No, or he would have been known as Warwick the Wifebeater. These things are really quite ridiculously simple if you just think about them.
susan higimbotham tits
I beg your pardon?
susan higginbotham novels
That’s more like it, buster.
margaret of anjou she wolf
elizabeth woodville witch
Now, ladies, it could be worse. At least no one is Googling about your t*ts.
Ha – what an interesting Google week you had. At least your t*ts are worth googling….I'd be flattered. 😉
Hahaha, you get some great ones. 😉 Good luck with the deadlines!
These are so much fun – I'm a particular fan of your diet plan! People are so amusing.
Hahahaha!!! Those are fantastic!!
Thanks, all!
What a hoot! You made my day – thanks for the smile!
Having decided to google the question about Warwick myself (because who knows? I may well be stupid enough to have such a man as my All Time Hero!), I found the following statement: "George [duke of Clarence] was an alcoholic wife beater". You can learn a lot if you just ask the right question!
Seriously funny stuff, Susan!
As usual Susan, you are truly some much fun, your sense of humor is priceless! And those Google searches too!! Have fun with those deadlines, don't let them get to you 🙂
For some reason, it's the Clarence/orgy which has me in hysterics! They are all priceless though!
She is a 21st century blooger with a keen interest in history. He is the favourite of a 14th century king. Can they ever find true happiness?
Oh, I am SO excited to have found you and your blog! ^_^
I'm going to very much enjoy reading your updates, and cannot WAIT to read the Stolen Crown.
I'm a comic artist and writer with a passion for certain periods of history – mostly the wars of the roses and anything to do with a certain 'Diccon'. I've been absorbing books on the period between Henry VI and Henry VII in preperation for a possible graphic novel project in the future, and can't wait to read your take on Buckingham!
*happy dance*
Loving these keyword searches! XD I confess I actually found you through a similarly ridiculous keyword search whilst researching possible fandoms around the character of Richard III – you came up first!
Hurray for weird keyword searches!
Ems ^_^
As Karen said one can learn a lot if one asks the right quesion but my question is whether historians ask questions never mind the right ones.
In respect of bosoms it seems to be a case of not so much googled as ogled. A pity that the rest of me does not match up to this one outstanding feature. Sigh.
Thanks, all! Emsie, welcome!