In Which I Breathe New Life Into an Old Cliche

Let sleeping dogs (and a cat) lie:

(Boswell’s brother Merritt, who lives with my parents, is visiting while my parents are at Disney World with my great-nephews. Unlike certain people I can think of, we are nice to our nephews in our family.)

11 thoughts on “In Which I Breathe New Life Into an Old Cliche”

  1. Awwwww. I was wondering the other day why most of the histfic writers that I know seem to be dog people… strange.

  2. Susan Higginbotham

    Oh, I love my kitties too, but since the three of them spend most of the day asleep, they don't offer many photo opps!

  3. Amy @ Passages to the Past

    What a sweet picture! I often find our brood sprawled across our bed – they're so much cuter when they're asleep!

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