Get It While It’s Free!

I wanted to let you know that my publisher, Sourcebooks, is offering several e-books free, including my first novel, The Traitor’s Wife! I’m not sure how long the promotion lasts, so now’s the time to get over and download your copy! You can go to the publisher’s website or to various other e-book vendor sites.

While I’m here, I must say that I’m looking forward to Christmas, but even more so to New Year’s Day, because that’s when The Queen of Last Hopes will be published! After seeing so many novels where Margaret of Anjou is reduced to a cackling caricature (and one recent one where it’s even hinted that she and her son have an incestuous relationship), I’m hoping that my novel will make some readers see Margaret in a sympathetic light and to appreciate the complexity of the situation with which she was faced.

I may not stop by again until after Christmas, so Merry Christmas! Hope it’s a great one for you.

1 thought on “Get It While It’s Free!”

  1. I'm so excited to read your most recent novel, most especially because of the 'new' look on the WoR. You know, I thought the whole 'pre-order' thing on Amazon would save me from myself, but to be honest I think it's made me a bigger book-buying-monster than ever before. Oh well, life is too short and it's worth it 😉

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