Gambling Fever, Meeting the Press, and John Guy

Exciting day for us in the state of North Carolina today–we now have a state lottery! For now, all we have are the tickets that you scratch and match; we’ll get the big-boy random drawings later. I’m not a high-stakes gambler by any means; one or two $1 tickets is pretty much my limit. But a million bucks or two would let me do some pretty serious damage on Amazon!

I sent a press release out last week to a couple of local papers announcing my finaling in the ForeWord Magazine awards, and one of their reporters called me today and asked me a few questions for an article. My first interview! Hope I didn’t sound like too much of a ditz. I have a much easier time writing than talking about writing.

I haven’t had much of a chance to read this week, and none of the historical novels I have on hand has really grabbed me, so I decided to read John Guy’s biography of Mary, Queen of Scots. I very seldom read nonfiction books straight through; I tend more to dip into them and read whatever catches my fancy. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf with this one and read from it front to back. Anyway, I’m very impressed so far. Guy writes well, and his portrait of Mary promises to be a balanced and well researched one.

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