Edward II in Love, and a Special Appearance by Robert the Bruce: Search Terms!

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You heard the man. Do it.

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That’s no way to treat a man in love.

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All good things must . . .

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If only someone had thought to tell Richard III. It might have saved a lot of trouble for everyone.

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Until King William came along.

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Yes, but the Duke of York kept trying to tell him where to find it.

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My prom picture, in which I am depicted with my eyes shut, is considered quite amusing by some.

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Someone really needs to address the growing immorality of medieval castles before it gets out of hand.

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Until William the Conqueror came along and ruined everything, of course, by restricting the right of divorce to dogs.

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He leered at Isabella, his haggis-laden breath heavy on her neck. “It’s time, lass,” he whispered, “that ye larned what a real man was like.”

Isabella made a pretense of struggling under the mighty Scotman’s embrace. At least, she thought to herself, I shall finally see what they keep under those sexy little kilts of theirs.

8 thoughts on “Edward II in Love, and a Special Appearance by Robert the Bruce: Search Terms!”

  1. Well these are all very good, but I just have one question: will you be sharing that prom picture with your readers anytime soon?

    I also think it's high time the fashion world brings the kilt to the forefront!

  2. Awwww, Edward II in love! Bless! The one about Bruce and Isabella is weird (where do people get these ideas??) but I love the 'cats divorce' one, hehe.

  3. I had one for "Rosamund Clifford"… I think it will take more than a Google Search to get through that maze…

  4. Why the surprise about Robert the Bruce and his version of the Highland Fling? Wasn't something similar alleged in 'Braveheart' a travesty of history if there ever was one?

    This is Hollywood history at its worst and Heaven help us if it gets its hands on Penman's take on R3. The Tudors and Rome were bad enough. For the record Atia was a very respectable and religious lady who most definitely would NOT have been called Atia of the Julii: Roman ladies took their nomenclature from the paternal side not the maternal.

    I've heard of the term 'putting bums on seats' but does Hollywood really think giving us bum history is the best way to do it?

    And that's before I think of all those historians who've been selling us the bum steer for years and whose books should be displayed on the fiction shelves!!

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