Dumb Stuff I Am Looking Forward To This Week

Yesterday being a beautiful, sunny August day, I went to my library of choice. To my delight, a book I wasn’t expecting to be there (it was supposed to be at another branch, which was closed) was on the shelf! I consider this to be a harbinger of the week to come, which promises to be full of all sorts of dumb stuff to look forward to, as follows:

Monday: CiCi’s Pizza opens its local branch! I love CiCi’s Pizza. It’s tasty, and it’s cheap. With the new branch, instead of having to drive 30 minutes to satisfy my pizza lust, I will have only a ten-minute drive. So for dinner Monday, I will be treating myself to a medium sausage. The Son and maybe the Husband will probably also have some. The Daughter does not appreciate CiCi’s Pizza. (A demon seed?)

Tuesday: Philippa Gregory’s The White Queen goes on sale! If what I’ve heard and read from various sources is true, this will not be a model of historical accuracy, but as a diehard Woodvillian, I’m looking forward to it nonetheless. For one thing, Elizabeth Woodville seems to be portrayed reasonably sympathetically, which is a plus, though I could do without what appears to be her ability to influence the weather.

Wednesday: “Top Chef” starts its new season. (For those who aren’t familiar with it, this is a show where chefs compete for a prize, with one being eliminated from competition each week.) I hate to cook, and everyone on this show would probably be appalled by my fast-food tastes. I nonetheless thoroughly enjoy “Top Chef.” Go figure.

Thursday: “Project Runway” starts its new season. (This is a show where fashion designers compete for a prize, with one being eliminated from competition each week.) I can’t sew, but I do like to wear clothes, though the very stylish host, Tim Gunn, would probably have a coronary if he saw the bathrobe that I am wearing as I type this blog post.

Friday: Finishing up The White Queen while munching on my second CiCi’s Pizza of the week. Or maybe my third. It’s important to help the local economy, you know.

Saturday: Birthday dinner for my grown niece. I am expected to bring dinner for the kiddies. Guess what I’ll be bringing?

Sunday: Probably a trip to the gym to work out all of that CiCi’s Pizza.

12 thoughts on “Dumb Stuff I Am Looking Forward To This Week”

  1. *LOL* I like Top Chef and Project Runway–although Tim Gunn would probably have a coronary with most of my clothes. Also, my entertainment tastes run more towards scifi, mystery, and–I'm not sure how it fits–I find myself watching Charlie Rose most weekday nights.

    Never had CiCis pizza, but have to confess that I've never met a pizza that I didn't like. Lately, I've made my own spinach, garlic, tomato, and smoked mozzarella cheese pizza. They're terrific bbq'd.

  2. Sounds like a fun week coming up for you! I'm looking forward to THE WHITE QUEEN and Project Runway myself. And pizza is always a good idea! Have fun!

  3. I love Project Runway and can't wait for the new season to start! Even though I wouldn't (or couldn't) wear most of the stuff they design, it's fun to see how creative some people can be.

  4. I love pizza, I don't blame you at all. I would go three times a week myself. =)

    The White Queen is way better than I expected, so I hope you do find yourself enjoying it! It's definitely more sympathetic to Elizabeth. She's not perfect, but she's a human being (albeit with magical powers) not a crazy villain.

  5. Allie ~ Hist-Fic Chick

    I work in fashion so I've met Tim Gunn a couple of times; he's a sweetheart so even if he were to have a coronary, it would most likely be a silent one because he is just too nice of a person to rip on anyone's outfit unsolicited (and I'm sure he would forgive a bathrobe regardless)! 🙂

    Cannot wait for The White Queen…PG is doing a signing event at my local Barnes & Noble in NYC in Sept which I plan on attending! CiCi's is indeed delish, and I like your line about helping the local economy. I'll have to borrow that the next time I'm craving a cupcake from my neighborhood bakery.

  6. Tim Gunn does come across as a genuinely nice person. You can see how much the hopeful designers like him–it's not put on at all. You're lucky to have met him, Allie.

  7. I also like Top Chef but I REALLY like Project Runway. I made my own clothes when I was in college and grad school so I know how hard it is. I still have a passion for fiber arts, just now they are worked out in embroidery and tatting rather than things to wear, but the interest remains.

    It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful week- enjoy!

  8. Literate Housewife

    The White Queen was the first book I've ever read about Elizabeth Woodville and I enjoyed it. I'm now reading The Tudor Rose by Margaret Bates Campbell and she's not as sympathetically portrayed in that novel.

    I found the mystical aspects of The White Queen interesting and I'm still thinking through them. What I found most interesting was that the weather always turned back upon her. She knew this, but couldn't help herself. That fleshed her out a great deal for me. I'm looking forward to studying up on her. What an interesting woman!

  9. Susan Higginbotham

    Thanks, all! I'll be thinking of you tonight when I bite into my first slice of CiCi's pizza!

  10. PK the Bookeemonster

    For some reason, my library had THE WHITE QUEEN available a week early and I was first in line on the holds. While it helped me untangle what was going on with Warwick and so forth, the overall story lacked depth for me … just wanted more meat on the bone.

  11. Do I get the impression that you're their best customer?

    The White Queen is on my list for later in the year. I'll be interested to see what you think of it.

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