Back in Business

Well, today I turned in my manuscript to my publisher, so the duchesses have allowed me to return to blogging. They have, however, suggested that I move to WordPress, and as you can see, I followed their suggestion. I’ve been with Blogger for a long time, but WordPress offers me a bit more flexibility, so here I am. Please note the new title: since my forthcoming novel and the one I’m contracted to do after it both concern the Tudors, I thought that the title of the old blog, “Medieval Woman,” was too limiting.

Another fun thing about my new blog home is that I’ve been able to categorize my posts, so all of my posts about Margaret of Anjou or the Greys, for instance, will be under the appropriate title and will be easy to find for those who want to read them.

But that’s enough housekeeping.  Look for the next post, coming shortly!

7 thoughts on “Back in Business”

  1. How do I follow this blog? Will updates show up on my Blogger dashboard? I am not at all familiar with WordPress….

    1. I think you just have to get on your blogger dashboard and hit “Add” under “Blogs I’m Following.” Then paste in the URL of the new blog. You might also hit the RSS button and see what happens–I’m experimenting with the follow buttons. Thanks!

  2. I pasted the URL into Google readers and you’re right there. I think WP also have an email sign up form for those who like to go that route.

  3. Congrats on finishing the manuscript! I’ll have to find my way around this site as I am unfamiliar with the format.

  4. Weclome back from your temporary hibernation. Your witty analytic blog has been sorely missed.

    Sort of been in hibernation myself though not so nice -legal – though thankfully interspersed with some gardening leave. Gone for a bit of grow your own this year and fed up with harvesting already.

    All the best for the new book

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