A Pleasant Amazon Surprise, and an Advisory

As some of you may know, my first novel, The Traitor’s Wife: A Novel of the Reign of Edward II, has been bought by Sourcebooks and is being reissued next year. Anyway, I was surfing the Internet tonight and discovered that the new edition, scheduled for April 2009, is now available for pre-order! So duly admire it in the sidebar, puh-leeze.

As Election Day has dawned, I will be either in a very good mood this time tomorrow or a very bad one. If Obama wins, Wednesday might be a good time to post your comments telling me that Isabella was the nicest queen in the history of the English nation and that Richard III was a terribly misunderstood guy who would have been a great king if it weren’t for Those Nasty Woodvilles. I’ll just sit back and smile.

12 thoughts on “A Pleasant Amazon Surprise, and an Advisory”

  1. And Obama is president!!! Woot! You must be delighted!

    Congrats on the reissue – I love the cover.

  2. Congratulations.
    How did you manage to get a woman’s head for the cover and not the usual headless woman?

  3. Susan Higginbotham

    Thanks, all! And Obama rocks!

    Susan A., I just got lucky, I guess. The head is from a Rembrandt, by the way.

  4. Richard III was a terribly misunderstood guy who would have been a great king if it weren’t for Those Nasty Woodvilles. And he’d have gotten away with if it hadn’t been for those pesky Tudors.

  5. Isabella was sorely misunderstood (I’d bet she’d’ve voted in Prop 8). (why CA did, I’ll never understand)

    Richard III was framed by the spin doctors of the Tudor regime. No no! [waves away facts]

    But the US elected Barack Obama yesterday, and by a pretty decisive margin to boot.

  6. Christy K Robinson

    Fantastic job on landing the publishing thing! I’d pre-order if I didn’t already have your book. (Also the download PDF.) Just finished The Traitor’s Wife about a week ago, which was a real feat with my hectic life and the fact that I’m reading several books, the Internet, and a newspaper every day.

    Obama wins on Tuesday. Susan celebrates birthday on (Friday?) of same week. Christy publicly declares love and respect for ancestress Isabella of France. And it’s all good, especially the Obama part.

  7. Susan Higginbotham

    Thanks, Christy! It has been a good week.

    And I don’t know who’s more deserving of canonization, Richard III or Isabella.

  8. Christy K Robinson

    Canonization! Wow, you ARE in a good mood! Happy birthday, and many happy days until the next birthday.

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